We help you find the perfect school for your child!
Our process
1. Initial Free Consultation
The process starts with an initial consultation, either via Zoom or in person, involving both parents and the child. During this meeting, parents and the child will each complete a short questionnaire. This will help us understand the type of school you're looking for and how we can assist you.
Cost: FREE
2. Review of schools
We will create a list of 3 to 5 schools that best suit your child. We will provide you with presentations of these schools and information booklets to review as you decide which schools you prefer.
Cost: $1500
3. Registrations
After selecting a list of suitable schools, likely 3 or 4, we will begin registering your interest with them.
Cost: approx. £200 (payable direct to the school)
4. Assessment days and Visits
Once interest is registered with the schools, we will contact you regarding online assessments and scheduling school visits. We will strive to coordinate these to ensure a single, convenient trip rather than multiple trips.
Cost: Flights (+ extra if you would like a TOP Consultant to accompany you for these visits)
5. Offers received!
After the assessments are completed, schools will send their offers. Your child will then understand what they need to achieve to get into their dream school!
After the exams
We will provide assistance and advice with the Student Visa application and the Guardianship application if needed.
Cost: £363 for Visa